
Proverbs adalah pepatah. Tidak hanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang sering menyatakan pepatah, dalam Bahasa Inggris, pepatah pun dijumpai. Beberapa pepatah dalam Bahasa Inggris di bawah ini mempunyai makna yang sama dengan pepatah Bahasa Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, kami memberikan terjemahan dan makna pada setiap pepatah.

  1. To have an axe to grind = Ada udang di balik batu
  2. One scabbed sheep is enough to spoil a flock = Sebab nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga
  3. To cherish a viper in one's bosom = Air susu dibalas air tuba
  4. To fish in troubled waters = Memancing di air keruh
  5. Cut your coat according to your cloth = Bayang-bayang hendaklah sepanjang badan
  6. To carry coals to New-castle = Membuang garam ke laut
  7. The pot calls the cattle black = Udang hendak mengatai ikan
  8. He is a dog in the manger = Badak-badak, minta aku daging; Bangau2, minta aku leher
  9. A thorn in one's flesh = Seperti duri dalam daging
  10. Home, sweet home = Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri awak, elok juga di negeri awak
  11. Huge winds blow on high hills = Besar kapal besar gelombangnya, besar kayu besar dahannya
  12. Barking dogs seldom bite = Anjing menggonggong tidak akan menggigit
  13. No rose without thorn = Tiada gading yang tak retak
  14. Like father, like child = Air cucuran atap jatuhnya ke pelimpahan juga
  15. Misfortunes never come singly = Antan patah, lesung hilang
  16. Out of the frying-pan into the fire = Lepas dari mulut harimau jatuh ke mulut buaya
  17. To behold the mote in the eye of one's neighbour, but not the beam in one's own = Gajah di kelopak mata tak tampak, kuman di seberang lautan tampak
  18. Once a use and ever a custom = Kebiasaan menjadi tabiat
  19. Strike the iron while it is hot = Menjemur di waktu hari panas.
  20. Such things bring grist to his mill = Pucuk dicinta ulam tiba
  21. Such as the tree, such is the fruit = Bagaimana biduk, bagaimana pengayuh
  22. The apple falls near the tree = Air cucuran atap jatuhnya ke pelimpahan juga
  23. Harm set, haram get= Siapa menggali lubang, ia juga terperosok ke dalamnya
  24. After rain comes sunshine = Sesudah hujan datang terang
  25. His bread is buttered on both sides = Seperti parang bermata dua
  26. There is no smoke without a fire = Kalau tak ada api takkan ada asap
  27. The right man in the right place = Asal ayam pulang ke lesung, asal itik pulang ke pelimpahan
  28. The tongue wounds more than a lance = Berkata peliharakan lidah
  29. To show the white feather = Malu berani, mati takut
  30. When at Rome, do as Rome does = Di mana tanah dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung
  31. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king = Dimana tiada elang, kata belalang, akulah elang
  32. To kill two birds with one stone = Sekali merangkuh dayung, dua, tiga pulau terlampaui
  33. To pour water into a broken basin = Bagai menghasta kain sarung
  34. Too much of a good thing is good for nothing = Seperti kersik di pulau
  35. To save money for a rainy day = Sebelum hujan sediakan payung
  36. Where there is a will there is a way = Dimana ada kemauan disitu ada jalan
  37. You must not countyour chickens before they are hatched = Belum beranak sudah ditimang
  38. Repentance always comes too late = Sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tiada berguna
  39. So many countries, so many customs = Lain ladang lain belalang, lain lubuk lain ikannya
  40. Spare the rod and spoil the child = Kasih akan anak dipertangis, kasih akan istri dipertinggalkan
  41. Falling crumb one must be content with crust = Tidak ada rotan, akar pun jadi
  42. Bean-pods are noisiest when dry = Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya
  43. The die is cast = Nasi sudah menjadi bubur
  44. Many a little makes a mickle = Sehari selembar benang, lama2 menjadi sehelai kain
  45. To put the cart before the horse = Dahulu bajak dari jawi
  46. With one's back to the wall = Seperti ikan dalam belat
  47. Once bitten twice shy = Sekali jalan terkena, dua kali jalan tahu
  48. Let sleeping dogs lie = Jangan dibangunkan kucing tidur
  49. No pains, no gains = pahit dahulu manis kemudian
  50. A penny saved is a penny gained = Hemat pangkal kaya
  51. 51.   If the blind lead the blind, both fall into the ditch = Seperti kapak menyelam beliung
  52. 52.   Between the devil and the deep sea = Bagai memakan si mala kama, jika dimakan ibu mati, tidak dimakan ayah mati.
  53. 53.   Don't cut your nose off to spite your face = Menepuk air di dulang, terpercik muka sendiri
  54. 54.   As the twig is bent, the tree is inclined = Kecil termanja-manja, besar terbawa-bawa
  55. 55.   A dwarf is on a giant's shoulder can see of the two = Berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah
  56. 56.   A golden key opens every door = Ada uang abang sayang, tidak ada uang abang melayang
  57. 57.   Little helps =Sedikit demi sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit
  58. 58.   Live and learn = Jauh berjalan banyak dilihat
  59. 59.   A well-regulated family often gets the accident = Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, suatu saat akan jatuh juga.

Occupation artinya nama-nama pekerjaan atau apa yang dilakukan orang untuk mendapatkan uang atau sekedar melepaskan hobi. Di bawah ini hanya beberapa contoh jenis-jenis pekerjaan dalam Bahasa Inggris:
Actor/Actress           = Bintang Film Pria/Wanita
Astronaut                = Astronot
Author/Authoress    = Penulis Pria / Wanita
Baker                       = Tukang Roti
Barber                     = Tukang Pangkas
Beautician               = Ahli Kecantikan
Biologist                  = Ahli Biologi
Bricklayer                = Tukang Batu
Builder                    = Tukang Bangunan
Bus Driver               = Supir Bus
Butcher                   = Tukang Daging
Caretaker               = Penjaga
Carpenter               = Tukang Kayu
Chemist                  = Ahli Kimia
Coach                     = Pelatih
Cobbler                  = Tukang Sepatu
Construction Worker        = Pekerja Bangunan
Cook                      = Koki
Cosmetician           = Ahli Kosmetik
Coster                   = Tukang Sayur
Dentist                  = Dokter Gigi
Designer               = Desainer
Doctor                   = Dokter
Dustman               = Tukang Sampah
Electrician             = Tukang Listrik
Engineer               = Insinyur
Explorer                = Penjelajah
Farmer                  = Petani
Farrier                   = Tukang Besi
Fisherman             = Nelayan
Fireman                 = Pemadam
Florist                    = Tukang Bunga
Gardener               = Tukang Kebun
Gasman                 = Tukang Gas
Glazier                   = Tukang Kaca
Goldsmith              = Tukang Emas
Graver                   = Tukang Ukir
Handyman             = Tukang
Headmaster          = Kepala Sekolah (Pria)
Headmistress        = Kepala Sekolah (Wanita)
Hairdresser           = Penata Rambut
Hunter/huntsman = Pemburu
Iceman                 = Tukang Es
Librarian               = Penjaga Perpustakaan
Laundress            = Tukang Cuci
Locksmith             = Tukang Kunci
Jointer, Welder     = Tukang Las
Junk Dealer          = Tukang Loak
Massager             = Tukang Pijat
Mechanic              = Mekanik
Milker                   = Tukang Susu
Miner                   = Penambang
Musician              = Musisi
Newsboy, Paperboy         = Tukang Koran
Nurse                  = Perawat
Painter                = Pelukis
Patcher               = Tukang Tambal
Parker                 = Tukang Parkir
Photographer     = Fotografer
Pilot                    = Pilot
Plumber              = Tukang Ledeng
Policeman/policewoman = Polisi
Postman             = Tukang Pos
Pupil                   = Murid
Secretary           = Sekretaris
Servant              = Pembantu
Shepherd/shepherdess = Penggembala
Shop assistant   = Penjaga Toko
Steward              = Pramugara
Stewardess        =Pramugari
Student              = Murid, mahasiswa
Singer                = Penyanyi
Surgeon             = Ahli Bedah
Taxi/cab driver   = Supir Taxi
Teacher              = Guru
Tailor                  = Tukang Jahit
Vet                     = Dokter Hewan
Waiter/waitress = Pelayan
FamilyBerikut ini adalah istilah dalam Keluarga. Istilah-istilah dalam keluarga dalam Bahasa Inggris mungkin tidak asing bagi Anda, tetapi kami tetap menampilkannya demi untuk mengulang kaji, sehingga istilah-istilah di bawah ini akan semakin diingat dengan baik oleh kita semua.
groom                   = Pengantin Pria
brother                 = Saudara laki-laki
cousin                   = Kemenakan
wife                       = Istri
husband                = Suami
parents                 = Orang Tua (2 orang)
parent                   = Orang tua (1 orang)
grandchild - grandchildren (Plural) = Cucu
grandson                = Cucu laki-laki
granddaughter= Cucu Perempuan
friend                 = Teman
boyfriend           = Cowok (Teman Perempuan)
girlfriend            = Cewek (Teman Laki-laki)
friend                 = Teman
grandmother, grandma = Nenek
grandfather, granddad, grandpa = Kakek
half-brother       = Saudara tiri
baby brother     = Bayi laki-laki
mother              = Ibu
mum, mummy, mom (Amerika) = Ibu (di Amerika)
nephew            = Kemenakan Laki-laki
niece                = Kemenakan Perempuan
uncle                = Paman
godfather        = Bapak Baptis, Wali laki-laki
godmother  = Wali Wanita seorang bayi
sister          = Saudara perempuan
mother-in-law = Ibu mertua
father-in-law   = Ayah Mertua
son                 = Anak laki-laki
stepbrother    = Saudara laki-laki tiri
aunt               = Bibi
daughter        = Anak perempuan
great-grandparents    = Moyang
father             = Ayah
dad                = Ayah
fiancee           = Tunangan Wanita
fiance             = Tunangan Pria
twin               = Kembar
twin-brother  = Saudara laki-laki Kembar

A family was visiting an Indian reservation when they happen upon an old tribesman laying face down in the middle of the road with his ear pressed firmly against the blacktop. The father of the family asked the old tribesman what he was doing.
The tribesman began to speak... "woman, late thirties, three kids, one barking dog in late model, Four door station wagon, traveling at 65 m.p.h."

"That's amazing" exclaimed the father. "You can tell all of that by just listening to the ground"?

"No", said the old tribesman. "They just ran over me five minutes ago!"

Sherlock Holmes and Watson

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine they lay down for the night, and went to sleep. Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend awake. "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see." Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars."

"What does that tell you?" Holmes questioned.
Watson pondered for a minute. "Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?"
Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke. "Watson, you retard. It tells me that some bastard has stolen our tent!"

Math, Physics, & Philosophy
Dean, to the physics department. "Why do I always have to give you guys so much money, for laboratories and expensive equipment and stuff. Why couldn't you be like the math department - all they need is money for pencils, paper and waste-paper baskets. Or even better, like the philosophy department. All they need are pencils and paper."
 Just cut your hair first
A young man comes home and says "Dad, just got my driver's license and would like to use the family car."
Father replies, :"O.K., son. But, first, you have to get good grades in school, keep your room clean, make the yard is neat, and cut your hair. Come back in a few months and then we'll see."
Well, several months pass and the young man comes into the house with his report card in his hand. "Dad, I got great marks on my report card. I've been keeping my room as neat as a pin, and the yard is always ship-shape. How about letting me use the car?"
Father replies, "That's all true, but son you didn't cut your hair."

Son says, "But, dad, Jesus had long hair."

Father replies, "Yes, son, you're perfectly right. And he walked everywhere he went."

A teacher asked one of her pupils, "Can you name our nation's capital?"
The reply was, "Washington DC"

When asked what the "DC" stood for, the pupil added, "Dot com!"

A man and his pet giraffe walk into a bar...
A man and his pet giraffe walk into a bar and start having a few quiet drinks. As the night goes on, they get pretty drunk. The giraffe finally passes out near the pool tables and the man decides to go home.

As the man is leaving, he's approached by the barman who says, "Hey, you're not gonna leave that lyin' here, are ya?"

"Hmph," says the man, "that's not a lion, it's a giraffe."
Freshman (finishing a letter) - "I'd send you that five I owe you, but I've already sealed the letter."
"Don't trouble yourself to stretch your mouth any wider," said a dentist to his patient, "I intend to stand outside to draw your tooth."
"It was so cold where we were," boasted the Arctic explorer, "that the candle froze and we couldn't blow it out."
"That's nothing," said his rival. "Where we were the words came out of our mouths in pieces of ice, and we had to fry them to see what we were talking about."